Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Deal or No Deal

My latest obsession: What IS it about "Deal or No Deal" that reels me in? Is it the challenge of the gamble? Is it the thrill of victory? Is it the 'what if' factor? Maybe it is the Jerry Springer-type audience hoping to see...what? A contestant pass out under the pressure? Some might say it is the briefcase babes, though they do nothing for me. However, I do wish they were not allowed to speak. Though it seems only a privleged few are given that annoying right.

I admit that I am oddly intrigued by the OCD-inspired behavior of host Howie Mandel. I can't imagine how difficult it is to suffer from such a disorder. He doesn't shake hands with anyone. I get that. But in one of the "warm fuzzy" scripted moments of the show, Howie brought a two-year-old child of one of the contestants up on the stage. Like any toddler, the child needed help getting up the rather steep stairs and reached his hand up to Howie to be assisted. Even though the camera cut away, it was clear that Howie refused to take the child's hand. Maybe they should use the briefcase babes who have been dismissed from the stairs for those little chores. I'm just saying.

1 comment:

  1. Now I will need to watch this show. Just what I need, more reality television on my TiVo.
