Monday, May 15, 2006

I woke up unloved this morning

Yeah well. Lesson Learned.

Meeting one's idols is a dangerous idea. Meeting David Cassidy was the second most unpleasant thing about my weekend, second only to sitting through his concert, which would have been more fun had I seen an impersonator. He started out harried which quickly turned to bored and ended with him being annoyed at the fans who were screaming at him, begging for him to throw one look their way...and that was just the meet and greet.


  1. Dear Kimmy:

    You tease me. You taunt me. You pay attention to me, then you leave me alone, lonely, with strangers staring at me.

    I need attention. I am your friend. And, I know you can do it. Please, edit me soon. Add something, even if it's one of those stupid "what kind of macaroni noodle are you" personality tests.

    I miss you.

    Your Blog
