Krispy Kreme or Dunkin' Donuts?
When I moved from Yankeeville to Nashville, I thought the only place to get a fabulous mouth-watering donut was Dunkin' Donuts. THAT was before I was introduced to Krispy Kreme.

And NOW, apparently, the debate is raging: If you had to choose...which would you go for?
The very first Dunkin Donuts served up that fabulous circular puff of sugary lard-soaked dough near my old stomping grounds in Massachusetts. However, the big story here in Middle Tennessee this week is that the big bad yankee donut makers have done opened shop right 'cheer in TENN-ah-see. 12 Times!
Donut Tidbits: Dunkin' Donuts currently has about 4,400 stores in 36 U.S. states. Krispy Kreme isn't sharing that info. Each Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnut has 4 grams of trans fat. In the United States alone, there are claimed to be over 10 billion donuts made every year. AND according to the Guinness Book of World Records, the record for donut eating is held by a man named John Haight, who consumed 26 average donuts in just over six minutes in 1981. Any takers?!

Now folks, I can tell you from vast personal experience that we are talking about two very different donuts. DDs are much cakier than the KKs, which is lighter, sugar-glazed and served piping hot. Unless you get the day old ones dirt cheap.
You can enjoy either, but you really HAVE to pick one as your true love. The best analogy I have seen is that it is like the Red Sox and the Yankees — you like one or the other. Click here to vote.
Personally, I really dig the pastries at Starbucks! Mmm Mmm!
Couple of years ago KK expanded out on the West Coast in a big way, and all the transplants were raving about this singular taste sensation, lining up overnight to be first in line at the store openings. Eventually, when the novelty had worn off, I decided it was time to try KK myself. I took a bite of a donut and it was so cloyingly, sickeningly, unrelentingly sweet, I was tempted to do something I had never before even considered doing - putting it down and not even finishing it.
ReplyDeleteLet's say these warm donuts left this reviewer cold.
Besides, DD coffee is excellent.
PS. I used to own some Starbucks stock and made a bundle on it. Since my investment strategy revolves around coffee and donuts, I considered adding KK to my portfolio. If you look at the current shareprice and the corporate turmoil, you'll see why I'm glad I stayed away from it.
PPS. Bean's quitting his blog?!WTF?! He does four hours on the radio! that leaves him with 20 hours to do his blog. What else is there to do on his island?
I remember the hoopla when KK came out to Southern California. I think I was one of the last on the bandwagon because I wasn't going to drive 20 miles for a donut (which I would have had to do). Then they opened one about two miles from my work and people started to bring them in. I thought they were really good and because they were so light, I could consume more.
ReplyDeleteWell, the party is over, because KK is shutting down a great majority of their stores out here becuase they expanded too fast and were losing business. The one near my work is now closed and I miss the days of stopping by late at night to get a few. I guess that means I need to DD another shot.
26 in six minutes, huh? I would be willing to try, but someone needs to be close by with a stomach pump.
Yeah, I have to go for Krispy Kreme. It is a St. Louis thing. Actually, come to think of it, I don't even think I know where a Dunkin' Donuts is around here. I think the only one closed years ago.