I ADORE Steven Wright.
He FINALLY had a new show on the Comedy Channel recently. It was worth the wait.
Here are some of the gems that only Steven Wright could deliver effectively:

"I wish when I as a baby, my first word was 'Quote' so just before I die, I could say 'Unquote.'"
"What did Jesus ever do for Santa Claus on his birthday?"
"I joined the Jehovah's Witness Protection Program. I have to go door-to-door and tell everybody that I'm someone else."
"She was a mail order bride's maid."
"The earth is bi-polar."
"I was wondering how my life would have been different if I had been born one day earlier. For one thing, I would have asked that question yesterday."
I sort of assume this aired earlier on HBO or something but it's the first time I've seen it. Though I would have liked it even better without commercials. His style does not allow for interuptions.
I also saw the special and thought it was really good. I've been a Steven Wright fan for years and years and it was nice to see him again on my TV.