Ok. How come pronunciations change?

I was just getting used to Halley's Comet (it was called "HAIL-lee's Comet when I was a kid)

The director of such classic films as "Taxi Driver" has ALWAYS been pronounced "Score-SAY-zee."
However, not anymore. He is now Martin "Score-SEZ-ee." What-ever! When did we start eliminating the long "A" sound from our vocabulary?
When it's "Score-sezay", as any Italian worth his chianti will tell you.
ReplyDeletePS. During the whole Terry Schiavo case, it was only Bean and Ted Chen from LA's channel 4 who used what I consider to be the correct pronunciation: Ski-AH-vo.
My favorite is niche. For years, it was NITCH. Now, it appears, it is NEESH.
ReplyDeleteDamn, give me a break. I can't even pronounce my own name, some days.