The link below takes you to the entire settlement agreement between Sir Paul McCartney and that woman to whom he was married for a few tumultuous years.

If you have an hour or so to devote to this, read all 58 pages, as I did. If not, just scan through and pick a page at random. I found it riveting. Not just because the judge clearly spells out the true colors of the "wife," but I was thoroughly amused at the color with which it was written. Here in the USA, you are unlikely to ever find a judgement with so many adjectives expressed by the judge. He basically calls her a conniving liar living in fantasy land.

The good news about the former Lady McCartney: She is, according to Paul, a good mother. As to the rest... read on.
Out of pure nosiness - I will read this as I get a chance. I still don't understand why she got SO MUCH money. Then I heard her whine about how her daughter will only get 70,000 pounds a year, and if Heather doesn't supplement that, daughter will have to travel coach, while mommy dearest will be traveling 1st class. Hello? Does mommy have NO financial responsibility?