Thursday, May 25, 2006

So, is it me?

Or are the season finales of network TV shows pretty (yawn) boring this season. There are some exceptions. "Grey's Anatomy" was pretty good. Same for "Desperate Housewives."
But "Will & Grace" sucked. Not the one hour series review. That was okay, but the finale itself was lame-o supreme-o. And I can not say anything about "American Idol" that has not already been said. Except perhaps that the real contest between Katharine and Taylor was who-could-look-more-surprised when the winner was announced. Neither won that one. That's what I like about "Deal or No Deal." Not much opportunity for a disappointing season finale.

1 comment:

  1. Sort of like baseball right about World Series time, I was actually getting sick of television, and am fairly glad that the season finales are over.

    If I had to hear Randy Jackson say "check it out" one more time, I was gonna blow a gasket. I might anyway, who knows.

    Happy Birthday to Alan!!!!! Wish I could have been there.
