Tuesday, August 15, 2006

10 Working Days

I FINALLY sold my car this week! Yippee!...uh, NOT so fast.

Well, I was given money and in exchange I let someone else drive off in my car with the expired tags. BUT, I haven't given them the title yet, so do THEY own the car or do I own the car?


The answer is C.) NONE of the above!

Despite the fact that the "payoff" on the above vehicle was paid to Honda financing over the Internet within a matter of hours of receiving the cash, a lovely loan officer who is named something that sounded very much like the country of Tunisia owns the car. Along with several hundred other Honda finance employees.

As it was explained to me today, it will take approximately TEN WORKING DAYS to get the title for said automobile. That is TEN WORKING DAYS during which I must keep paying insurance on the car, and TEN WORKING DAYS that the new owner will have to drive around with expired tags since they can't get it registered in their name without the title.

It takes TEN WORKING DAYS to stick my title in an envelope? "Nope," said Tunisia. "It takes about 2 minutes for the whole process," she exclaimed proudly. "So, what's the deal?" I asked. To which she replied, "There are almost 100-thousand titles ahead of yours." Honda is apparently having a VERY good year.

Technically, I guess I could be nice and borrow the car back from the new owners, get the emissions test ($15) and get the new registrations sticker ($116) but what's the point since the new owners will have to go through the process all over again in TEN WORKING DAYS.

It's official. We have both been carjacked by Honda.


  1. Wait, didn't you just BUY that car... like 10 months ago??? You go through cars like I go through... oh, wives maybe.

    Wow that really sucks. I have never sold a car to a private party, so I have no idea what you're going through.

  2. I have always paid cash for my (POS) cars, so I don't know what you are going through, either. What got me agitated, though, you're paying $15.- for a smog check?!! Unbelievable! Here in CA it sets me back at least $50.-!
