Saturday, September 02, 2006

Nah nah nah nah nah...HEY!

Sorry. I was on vacation from my unemployment. That is not to say that I was working, but I was on holiday with my family in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada. I never thought I would miss roads signs written in English. On holiday? Maybe I BECAME English while I was away.

I wasn't really inspired to write about anything until I saw this headline:

"NFL Bans Gary Glitter Song"

So apparently, Gary Glitter's touchdown anthem, "Rock and Roll Part 2" won't be playing in NFL stadiums this year. Or will it?

The league has 86ed the practice of playing Glitter's pump-up song during its games, post-touchdown or any other time. The decision was made after Glitter was convicted of molesting a pair of girls in Vietnam. He is now serving a three-year term for the conviction.

Interestingly, the NFL didn't have much problem with Glitter when he was a mere child pornographer: He was convicted of kiddie porn and listed as a sex offender since his 1999 conviction.

Now, I'm certainly not condoning his heinous crimes. I'm not a complete idiot. But why should the rest of us suffer? Personally, that is one of my favorite parts of going to NFL games. Granted, being a Titans fans, I have not had a lot of opportunity to celebrate touchdowns in recent years.
So here's my thought: Next time you are at an NFL game and your team scores, start the song by yourself; "Nah nah nah nah nah, HEY! Nah nah nah nah nah..." I guarantee that most people around you will join in almost instantaneously.

Puh-leeze. What are they going to ban next? The WAVE?

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