Monday, September 04, 2006

Tragic Yes, But Shocking?

While the sudden death of Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin is certainly tragic, is it shocking? Or one could argue the point that yes, it might be a shock, but is it really surprising? Granted, it would have been a bit less shocking had he been killed by a Croc instead of a stingray. The same could be said about other people who choose to risk their lives through their vocation every day. Ie. Dale Earnhardt? Granted, the risk does not make the loss any more acceptable to those close to the deceased, but shocking is a two-year-old shot in the head in a drive-by shooting. Now THAT's shocking though I doubt it will see the same press.


  1. Great minds think alike. I wonder how long it will take before the video of his death starts getting passed around the internet.

  2. I do feel for his wife Terri, but honestly! Who would have thought he'd come to such an end? Honestly. After marrying him, I was certain she'd have nipped some of his chasing the world's most dangerous animals like he did in his single aussie days, in the bud!

    But she didn't. Maybe she'll cease and desist all mountain climbing and throwing herself in the path of snakes now and just raise her kids.

    But I did love watching them both.

