Saturday, October 13, 2007

TiVo or TV-no?

In a recent discussion about living without a television in the house, I was shocked at how many people are actually doing that very thing in this day and age. I was also jealous.

It made me examine my own dependence on what my father lovingly referred to as "the boob tube." So this weekend, I have made a serious effort to not watch any TV... at all. Nope not a bit. Not even going near it.

Except the Titans game, of course.

Wish me luck.


  1. So, were you successful?

    I actually don't watch much television, don't even like it on as background noise... but keeping the kid away from it? Not easy.

    Can't imagine not having a television in the house. How would I get Grey's Anatomy fix?

  2. You could even skip the Titans games if you would just purchase a poster of Jeff Fisher. Isn't that why you REALLY watch? ;)
