The idea of "Mancations" may be the hottest new trend in the travel business.
The idea of men getting away from it all (and by "it all" I mean their wives and/or girlfriends) is now being marketed by some of the finer hotels in the hottest vacation spots. Everything from poker parties to hand-rolled cigars, ice-cold beer and tickets to sporting events are being listed in the latest Mancation brochures. It is safe to assume that there are other manly services provided as well.

So, is this normal? Women go on vacations together all the time. I have been on several vacations with gal-pals and never thought it was odd. However, a study recently claims that almost 10 percent of men who say they're straight also happen to be having sex with men. So are one out of ten Mancations on the down low?
And on a related note, what's the harm in taking a (heterosexual) Mancation? Personally, I encourage my better half to do this once a year. Why? Because I don't necessarily want to ride a motorcycle 400 miles through the mountains so I can get a plate of the best barbeque in the southeastern United States. BUT, I would not want to deprive him of that pleasure, if that is what makes him happy. In the long term, I never want to hear him say that he doesn't get to do fun stuff with his friends since we got married. In the short term, it opens up the opportunity for me to do "girl" stuff in which he has no interest.
And finally, What is up with using "MAN" as a PREFIX?
Manbag, manpurse: A purse with a strap worn by a man, often carried by someone who is metrosexual.
Mandals: Man sandals.
Man blouse: A buttoned-down shirt with a pattern or style that gives it a feminine quality.
Man crush: Hero worship; a man who has a crush on another man without sexual attraction.
Mantastic: Feeling fantastic after the successful completion of a particularly macho feat.
Manties: A pair of very brief, tight-fitting men's underpants.
And finally,
Manpal: The guy version of girlfriends.
Which brings us back to Mancations. Gentlemen, just make sure you bring us back a present that shows us how much we think you missed us.
Mandals? Haven't sandals been worn by men since Jesus? You'd think the term would be called womandals. After all, from what I hear, Jesus was a real man's man.
ReplyDeleteAlong the same lines, let's remember the "bro" a la Kramer from Seinfeld. You know, the bra for men...
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Loved it!